Gonga will do anything to support his family. He is a very loyal, self-sacrificing individual. He also loves playing music, which makes for perfect harmony when you place an accordion in his hands and tell him to go play in public. Back in Africa, he liked to set a little cap on the ground and play tunes for anyone who threw money into the cap. Sometimes people just threw pennies. But every now and then a gold dollar would land in the cap. Then Gonga would dance as well as sing!
Now he doesn’t set a cap on the ground. Instead he sets up his board with his employer’s logo and plays to his heart’s content. He likes it much better that way. Now he doesn’t have to worry about the “shin-kicker” coming along and stealing his hard earned wages.
But playing for money only works for those with musical ability. What if you can’t keep a beat to save your life and even the birds fly away squawking when you open your mouth? Besides investing in a psycho-music-therapist, there might be an easier way to get a buck or two.
Yes, I’m talking about selling textbooks. But what if you’ve already sold all your books and are sitting around a home, wondering how to afford to go out this Thursday (or Friday, if you’re not lucky enough to be in the business school and have Fridays off.) So you pick up your room-mate’s biology textbook and trot it down to The Textbook Game. Viola! You have $$$!
Better yet, after exhausting your room-mate’s stash (thankfully he’s at some study group for most of the day) you could go stake out the library. Just wait till someone leaves their nook for a bathroom break. Nonchalantly saunter over to their hide-away and pick up that big fat Calculus textbook. Slip it into your own knapsack and carry it off to The Textbook Game.
On second thought…maybe not.
(Disclaimer: The Textbook Game is not liable for anyone who interprets this advice as anything but farcical and will refuse to purchase textbooks which it has reason to believe were stolen.)
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