Gonga managed to Skype his family in from Congo on Thanksgiving day and spent a miserable time trying to imagine his Pumpkin Pie was half as good as the roasted termites his family so exuberantly enjoyed on the other side of the ocean.
After finally saying goodbye, Gonga mournfully pulled out a piece of paper and began drafting a list of the things he was thankful for.
- Publishers who update their editions every year. This means students have to choose between buying the new expensive editions, or choosing to buy used.
- Professors who require more than one textbook for their class.
- Publishes who pay professors to require more than one textbook per class.
- Students who drop their books in puddles of water.
- Students who sell their books back to The Textbook Game instead of giving them to a junior classmate.
- Students bored enough to stand and listen to Gonga’s accordion playing.
- Even better, students who throw money in Gonga’s hat for his accordion playing.
I felt the urge to add a few items myself as I gazed on Gonga’s handy-work later that night.
- A warm costume in which to mascarade.
- A mask which securely hid my identity.
- A mission much bigger than simply selling textbooks.
Overall, it was a good thanksgiving day. My superiors had contacted me briefly, confirming that they were actually paying attention to my movements and were please with my performance to date. I even managed to slip home for a quick bite of turkey and stuffing with my family halfway through the day. What more could I want?
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