Dear Mommy,
Gonga typed slowely, his massive gorilla fingers hunting for each key.
Today I am TV-Star.
He paused, trying to determine how to describe the excitement he had felt earlier that evening while watching the brief TV spot featuring a narrative of his exploits. The camera caught him at various intervals on campus, playing his according or talking to random students who strolled past. His bright red Textbook Game T-shirt blared throughout. But more importantly, his accordion melodies haunted the background of the entire program.
Go to see this link.
He decided not to attempt description. His family would have to just watch for themselves. They probably still wouldn’t understand. But at least they could be proud of his accomplishments.
Carefully he navigated to the appropriate web page and copied the link into his e-mail.
He grunted in satisfaction. The cursor hovered over the send button. But he paused.
There, he had almost forgotten again. He knew she hated it when he forgot to write his love. Though sometimes he wondered why simply writing an e-mail updating his family on his activities was not enough. Wasn’t it obvious that he loved them if he took the time to type up an e-mail every week? Oh well. That thought could wait for another day.
He clicked the “Send” button and swiveled away from the computer. His accordion lay on the floor next to him. Smiling gently to himself, he picked it up and began playing. Joyous sounds swirled around him, conjuring up images of brightly dressed dancers, whirling scarves of red and blue and peacock green.
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