If you give a gorilla a banana, he will snarf it down in three bites. Unless of course, that gorilla happens to be Gonga. If you give Gonga a banana, he will want a ‘Nilla Wafer to go with it. As he’s thinking about where to find a ‘Nilla Wafer, he will carefully peel away the skin and look around for a trash can.
While he’s looking for the trash can, he will realize that his trash at home is overflowing and will want to go home to change it. On his way home, he’ll see a person riding a skateboard.
Naturally, he’ll want to try riding on the skateboard himself.
When he offers his banana as a trade for a skateboard rider, the rider will laugh at him and race away as fast as possible. Skateboard-riding teenagers do not eat bananas or anything else resembling health food. At least, not in public.
Feeling the sting of rejection, Gonga will look at his banana contemplatively, wondering what can be done to improve it. Which is when he will remember that the only true complement to a banana is a ‘Nilla Wafer.
So Gonga will head towards home once more, intent once more on finding his ‘Nilla Wafers.
When he gets home and finishes pulling every single box out of his cabinet, he will discover that his box of ‘Nilla Wafers is empty. After turning the plastic inside-out and licking every last crumb, he will regretfully drop the cardboard box into his trash bag. At which point he will see that his trash is overflowing.
Gonga will carry his trash out to the dumpster, still clinging to his banana in with one hand. But in his herculean throw to get the trash bag on top of the dumpster heap, he will drop his banana among the refuse. In his haste to find his banana, he will stumble backwards and squash the banana firmly into the ground.
And if he squashes his banana, he will have to find some sort of replacement.
The store across the street sells icecream, so he walks in, hopefully.
“Do you want a Sundae?” the owner will ask, seeing as he is a gorilla.
A smile spreads across Gonga’s face as he takes the banana bathes in chocolate sauce and smothered in icecream. But of course, he’ll still want a ‘Nilla Wafer to go with it.
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